This is really fascinating. I’m not a gambler, I’m not even an investor (yet?) because I know I don’t understand about probabilities, random repetitions or any of the other stuff you write about here. Knowing what I don’t know has kept me out of trouble, I suppose. But I would like to be able to invest someday. Or at least feel I had enough of an understanding that I could invest if I wanted to. I think your last line about buying & holding puts me off because I’m an older person. I should just use my money now! Watching it increase over 3 or 4 decades isn’t appealing since I may not be here to reap the rewards. But super conservative investing isn’t all that appealing - may not even be investing pee se. Bonds seem rather dull. Sigh. Anyway great piece, I really enjoyed this. I hope you write much more about it.

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