I spent a bit of time helping people understand finances and it amazed me what people didn’t know. Basic things like budgeting were foreign concepts.

I also like your statement about income. A lot of people who teach about finance don’t focus on increasing your income, only on managing your money better.

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Thanks Logan. That’s something I remind myself when writing about fairly basic concepts like budgeting. It might seem obvious to some, but to most they still need to really master those basic concepts.

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I’m in a similar boat with technology. Most people have no idea how even the most basic technology works and can be used to better their lives. It’s crazy how life changing and education can be.

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The "stranger test" works for a lot of impulse buys. If you want to buy something, first ask yourself: If a stranger offered me the item or its monetary equivalent, which would you choose? If you choose the money, you should not make the purchase.

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sorry devoted

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Ben well said! I have devote my retirement years to helping people with Financial Education. teaching people the basics. Would love to chat some day soon to see how I can help you. Joe Z

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