Good post! This is almost me to a T - took a break in 2017, and am now slowly considering how to get back in. The shame piece is real, I've found it a struggle to let go of that.

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Hey Neil, thanks for sharing that. You touch on a broader issue that I am going to start researching which is how to deal with financial shame (on any issue) and move forward. It’s a big issue and one I’ve struggled with at different points. I’m excited to share the research. Stay tuned!

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This is very relevant to me because after being medically retired from the Navy, I've been on a career break for 12 years. Now that I'm stable I'm going back to school to earn a degree in another field. Hopefully things will work out. Thanks for writing about these topics.

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Good luck Emily! Let me know if there’s other problems or issues that comes up in your job hunt that you think I should write about so other people are aware of what to expect

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Though I wasn’t away from the work force I had to change careers at the age of 60 and start over. The workplace changed drastically since my last job interview in 1982. It was a hard journey but I am proof that it can be done. You just have to believe in yourself and focus on your goal.

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